We believe all people are created to be loved deeply by God and others. We believe every part of your story is valuable to God’s eternal plan, pointing you toward a life of contentment, peace, and wellness. Your pain and problems never stem from any one experience, relationship, or diagnosis, but instead, are one part of a whole picture that may not yet be fully realized.

Our team believes all aspects of your life must be addressed if longterm wellness is to be achieved. Therefore, we offer a warm, homelike space to address all areas of your life: physical, emotional, relational and spiritual. We welcome you wherever you are on your journey. We consider it an honor to create strategies that serve the redeeming work of Jesus in your life.

Healing for Your

Mind, Body, & Soul

Under one Roof

A Culture of Belonging

Made Well Membership is not about inclusivity, but intentionality. We are all about creating safe, judgment-free spaces for you to grow in relationship with God, others, and self. Therefore, we offer a built-in membership to every person receiving services ‘round the house!’ Any person receiving a service of $50 or more per month is a Made Well Member! 

Made Well Members Receive:

  • Access code to the “Gathering House” Mon-Thurs, 7am to 7pm. Study, work, rest, or meet a fellow member for coffee inside our newly remodeled, historic home built in 1903.

  • Courtyard Access for personal time or workout, Mon-Thurs, 10am to 3pm.

  • Free WiFi, coffee & snacks while in the “Gathering House!”

  • Free CHILDCARE Tues/Thurs, 7am to 12pm (3 hour max).

  • Membership renews on a month to month basis and applies only to the individual receiving paid services with a Made Well provider (membership does not apply to member’s child, spouse, friend, or free support group attendee). *Services do not overlap as $50 credit.

Why We Do Not Accept Insurance

Insurance regulations stifle the personalized treatment model of holistic healthcare. Not only does insurance regulate the type and course of treatment we provide, they zap our provider’s time and energy with mountains of paperwork. Insurance also requires the label of a mental health diagnosis to treat, which is often not helpful. As a 501(c)(3) Christian non-profit, the freedom to engage openly in Biblical discussion and practices is of highest value. As a cash pay provider, we are able to treat every person with the time, care, and intentionality they deserve.

We Offer the Following Financial Support

  1. Mental Health Sliding Scale Session Fee Based on Income,

  2. Mental Health Pro Bono Services for Qualifying Low-Income Members,

  3. Mental Health Pro Bono Services for Qualifying Non-Profit Employees,

  4. Affordable Rates for Additional Wellness Services

  5. Free Weekly Support Groups